Tuesday 12 August 2014

The things you say while under general anesthetic and other recent happenings. *Warning there is a va-jay-jay mention*

So at the beginning of June I had to have my IUD removed via day surgery as it just wasn't happening any other way! This procedure was done by my baby doctor, Dr. Mayo.(Whom I seriously love in a non creepy way) 
While waking up from my anesthesia I had a small memory of telling Dr. Mayo that I loved him. 
I had asked my attending nurse if this happened..and she nicely whispered to me "No dear, you told him that you were going to make him a card with vagina's all over it and you were sorry if it offended his staff". 
Holy crap. Embarrassed, yup.. Funny, you bet. Completely nervous to see him for my first OB appointment for this pregnancy YES.

Fast forward to the day of my first appointment and that nervousness was quickly squashed and replaced with the nervousness of the Ultrasound he wanted booked to see how many babies were in my tum tum. GULP!! 

The Ultrasound was booked and has happened and while multiples would have been fun, alas there is only one

So aside from doctors visits and "morning" sickness that occurs during all waking hours we have been busy being a family and I have been working on some pretty kick ass posts and also doing some much needed catch up on Bun in the Oven work cause I have been slacking :/. 
I'm excited about one DIY project that we worked on for our backyard and I a just finishing some minor things for that post. 
So stay tuned for some of the awesomeness that is going to grace this blog! 

Oh and P.S. 
Dr. Mayo didn't even mention the card- which leads me to think he has probably heard from pretty CRAZY things...

What about you? 
What's your "saying crazy things while coming out of anesthetic" story? 


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