Friday 30 January 2015

Feeling lucky.

You know those *I hate life right now* moments. Those situations where one thing after another just finally breaks you and even the things you have already dealt with are issues that come up to just prove that you have the worst luck in the world. 
That was me this morning. In the Rexall parking lot. 

Today I decided to stay home from work as Sophie is sick and miserable. We ran out of tylenol so we has to make a quick trip to get some more. 
While walking into the pharmacy a car in the parking lot was leaving quick and spinning its wheels. I though geez that asshat is going to hurt someone or shatter someones window with all the rocks being spit out from the tires. I carried on because taking out a sick toddler with a super energetic 4 yr old while being super big, ready to be done being pregnant is NOT fun, EVER! 
But then I came out to this! Yes my friends my thoughts about windows getting shattered from flying rocks was indeed true. FOR MY VEHICLE!! 

I lost my emotional $#!%... ugly cry face and everything. 

The one van door won't open so I have to buckle 2 carseats from one side. My belly is getting in the way. I am so tired. We are having another baby soon. We just replaced our hot water tank. We just bought a new washer & dryer. We put my 15 yr old cat down. We just redid our bedroom. Our house taxes were missed by our mortgage company so a surprise large lump sum payment had to be set up ASAP. Why am I planning and saving when nothing goes to what I am planning and saving for.... Is insurance going to cover this. Why out of all days did I decide to leave my cell phone at home. Why is there so many options to choose from when calling EPS now??. No I didn't get a license plate number. Why is Kris not answering his phone....  and yea you know the snowball effect.. 

I gathered myself enough to make the short drive home, set the kids up with a movie and called my insurance company. It was a little bit of a wait to talk to the adjuster and the end result was that it wasn't covered. But I had time to calm down and reflect. 

None of this was anything I could control.

I am lucky no one was in the van when it happened. 
I am lucky that I am in a fortunate enough situation to be able to save money in general. 
I have a wonderfully loving husband who came home from work to support the wife that sounded like a hot mess on the phone leaving the message just after it happened.
I have an amazingly heroic brother in law who was able to find a replacement for me and have it replaced by 4:30pm for a price that I dare not even brag about. 
Again I have an amazing husband for taking it in to get it replaced for me. 

I am just lucky! 

I made sure to send an email to my insurance company telling them that their customer service was as alway amazing and to please pass that on to the employee because people are always so quick to send the hate but never the love. And then I promptly went and spent the afternoon cuddled with my kids. 

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