A guide to the cold & flu for the pregnant, nursing, and little ones - Easing your discomfort and babies too!
Cold and flu season. It's here whether we like it or not
I have been sick while nursing Carter & Sophie and well just this past Friday Sophie came down with the flu. And for the last 4 weeks I haven't been able to shake of this nasty flu!!!
What do you do when that nasty sickness hits you or your little one?
You're at a loss. You put it to your Facebook friends and groups. Take it to twitter. Post your sick face selfies on Instgram. #sickofbeingsick #goawaycold #makeitstop #iwanttofeelhealthyagain #mybabyissick
"I am a breastfeeding mom - we are sick what can I do??"
"I am pregnant and have a flu HEEEELLLPPP"
So what can you do??
- Acetaminophen (also known as Tylenol)- I broke down with this pregnancy after a horrible experience with a migraine/sinus pain and took some.
- Saline Nasal drops or spray
- Neti Pot
- Throat lozenges - Check out this link to make your own soothing throat lozenges
- Drinking hot tea with honey, hot water with honey, or honey & lemon (it is suggested the honey be pasterized)
- Gargling with warm water & salt
- Kids 0-9 All Natural Medicine (I have been using them for almost 5 years now, and they work very well)
- Essential Oils.
I recently had a chance to speak with Amanda from Young Living and asked her about which essential oils a pregnant/nursing mom could use as well as some that work well for children!

For pregnant and nursing moms
Thieves oil for immune boosting is suggested along Eucalyptus or RC for congestions and respiratory infections. All can be used on the chest, back, or feet but must be mixed in with a carrier oil (olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, etc)
Peppermint has also worked well for pregnant moms having a hard time with nausea or indigestion.
With children oils can be used sparingly and must always be used with a carrier oil. For newborns lavender works great for calming a baby and for older babies oils such as Peace & Calming and cypress for coughs.
Do you want to know more about what essential oils and natural remedies are safe from pregnancy to young children?
You can enter below to win a copy of Gentle Babies!
Do you want to know more about what essential oils and natural remedies are safe from pregnancy to young children?
You can enter below to win a copy of Gentle Babies!
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