Time to pack for when baby comes?? Don't forget these items that are on the top of my list!
It is 12:34am. Today might possibly be baby day!! (Although you will be ready this a tad bit later) This being my third time around the hospital bag packing block I figured I would write about the 13 items that are a must for me to pack - and should be for you too!!
Take home outfit for baby - As tradition we have bought each of our children a new take home outfit.
Toiletries - Tooth brush, tooth paste, 2 ply toilet paper, makeup, comb/brush, shampoo, whatever you need to make your hospital stay feel less hospital and more homey.
Medications - Anything you take, bring it! The hospital does not supply it.

Hospital Panties - Some hospitals only offer you 1-2 pairs (if any) and these things are a god send. You can purchase them here.
Breast Pump - With Sophie my milk hadn't come in yet and I was looking to help that along. At one point though they were all being used. This time I am bringing my own.
Money/credit cards - Parking, food, television rental, and other miscellaneous things.
Snacks - Most Maternity wards have a fridge for patients to use to store their food. With Carter all I really wanted was some fresh fruit and vegetables.

Water bottle - Having surgery? Can't eat or drink 8 hrs before. Had an epidural = no more liquids. And ice chips don't do didly squat!! When you can you will want to chug some nice cold water.
Camera - Most people have cameras on their cell phones but when Sophie was born I learnt the hard way when I had my phone stolen 2 months later that it's not always a good idea to just use your cell phone.. All of her newborn pictures -GONE!
Cell phone - To play Angry Birds...hello?! Just kidding.
Chargers/ Batteries - Anything that will require charger, bring it. Needs batteries? Bring extra!
Reading material - I have charged my Kobo and loaded it with some new books. Bought the UK version of Cosmo (way better in my opinion) Because I am going to have so much down time right?!?
Comfy going home clothes - Loose fitting pants and a nursing bra & t-shirt/ nursing tank.
Also this is something that won't be packed in your hospital bag but its something that you definitely have to bring..
Carseat - Even if you don't drive, it is required in order to bring baby home. Check out One Tiny Suitcase here in Edmonton for carseat rentals.
Are there other things in your hospital bag that are a must have for you??? Please share!
Wishing you all the best for number 3!
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