I recently saw a video on
www.ted.com and it talked about
celebrating the now. Telling people that they are important to you not just on the special days but EVERY day.
When I had Carter I was a first time mom. I was lonely. I was bored. I decided that I wanted to join a mom's group and joined a few through meetup.com. I was kicked out of one for not being able to attend meetups with my newborn (nope can't go swimming with a newborn). I was not welcome in another one, (some mommies can be mean- can't we all just get along??)..
So I made a bold move
I started my own moms group.
I lived in North Edmonton right by Beaumaris Lake, and conveniently named the group
"The Beaumaris Lake Mommies and Daddies walking group" we met every Thursday morning and walked around the lake (Londonderry mall during the winter). There were a lot of people that joined the online group, less that joined us in person, and about 6-7 of us that were constants. I resurrected the group when I had Sophie and I was lucky enough to meet some more great ladies, my business partner attended it too (we knew each other since high school but it was still great) and some from the first group had their second children during that time too.
A mix of wonderful amazing moms ( and a dad for a short period of time hence the "and daddies" in the name)... What would I have done without them? They saved me.
I don't mean saved as in I needed an intervention. I mean they saved me as in it became more than just walks, we blossomed into friends. Some of us have one kid, some of us two, some are expecting the third. We go camping together. Go to movies together. We hang out as a group when we can - mostly at birthdays as between all of us we have 12 parties. (I call it the birthday season, which starts in February and goes until September) Christmas get togethers and everything in between.
These ladies are important to me and I know that had it not been for them I don't think I would be the person I am today. I am lucky. I am blessed. I am grateful for each and every one of them.
When I started my moms group it was scary, I alone had organized this group. It all depended on me and it was like going on a group blind date for the first few times. But I did it, and would not change a thing. My suggestion to every mom I meet is that they should seek something out. Whether it is joining a play group at your local church, starting your own mom's group, or joining an already organized group, DO IT. It will provide some much need sanity.
If you are looking for an organized moms group check out these ones. They are run by awesome ladies, and offer awesome programs.
Want to hang out with the mommies from your moms group but not really sure how to approach it?
Try these ice breakers.
Ask if they want to have a play date.
Go to a place such as
Java Mama or
Café O Play the kids can play and you can have a latte!
Go swimming or go for a walk.
Just remember, every mom (or dad) is where you are because they too are looking to be part of something. Labels: #modernmama, #mommyconnections, #mommyfriends, #momsgroups, #momstown