Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Introducing our Elf on a Shelf "SAPS" #elfonashelf #shelfelf #elfspiration

When we first got our Elf on Shelf Carter named him Saps. 
(Seriously I have no clue where this kid comes up with his names but he is one creative little man) 

We have had Saps for over 2 years now but this is the first year that we have officially "had him visit", and to be honest when Kris and I unpacked all of our Christmas stuff last weekend we couldn't wait to have him start visiting. 

Bright and early last Monday morning Carter was awake and fully dressed. Something that has NEVER happened so you know he was excited. I might add too that Carter's outfit consisted of a summer shirt and jeans that were at least 2 inches too short...yea...kinda wishing I had taken a picture. 

The most exciting thing that he has done so far is bring Sophie a treasure chest full of pull ups (in hopes to kick start this potty training endeavour) and Carter got some new Ninja Turtle underwear. 
Tonight is the first night that Saps is doing something "naughty" but mainly he will just be found in various places hanging around and then there will be a few fun crafts and activities come December. I will be using Pinterest for some #elfspiration and will be sure to share here and will also post what Saps is up to on my Instagram as well. 

What are some of the shenanigans that your Elf on a Shelf gets into? I would love to hear some stories! 


Thursday, 20 November 2014

The Honest Company products in #yeg #thehonestcompany #motherhoodmaternity

I swear that the head office for The Honest Company and Target Canada know me by name now.
Every week I call and ask "Are you coming to a Canadian retailer yet?!?!?" or "Target Canada, are you going to start carrying The Honest Company baby diapers any time soon"
Both questions always leaving me disappointed and of course with a little optimism as their response is always no plans yet but definitely something for the future!
Well guess how #excited I was yesterday to see The Honest Company products in a  #yeg store.
Fresh out of Ikea I convinced hubby to take a quick drive to Motherhood Maternity, because despite the fact that I own Bun in the Oven Consignment, I needed something specific and we didn't have anything consigned for what I needed in my size but really thank god I went in there because
.....are you ready for this.... ??!?

Motherhood Maternity has started carrying some products from the The Honest Company. 

Now it's not baby stuff, but it is stuff that you can use during your pregnancy and there was also some shampoo, conditioner, and lip balm. It's a start. And even better - no crazy shipping fees so cheaper than ordering from the company. When I asked if they had planned on carrying more, the answer was if it sells they will expand to baby stuff. *Fingers crossed*

Want to see if the Motherhood Maternity closest to you is carrying some of The Honest Company products? Check out the Motherhood Maternity Store locator. 

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Saturday Nov 29th! Martin Deerlines Green Christmas Party! #savethedate

Martin Deerlines in hosting their Green Christmas Party on Saturday Nov 29th! And its all for a good cause!
Pictures with Santa and a John Deere tractor are offered with a toy donation to Santa's Anonymous.
Toys for infants up to 12yrs old are needed. Only NEW in package toys will be accepted.

What Santa's Anonymous will not accept   >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

FREE warm refreshments, snacks, and crafts will be offered as well along with some awesome deals to get some Christmas shopping done. Check our their amazingly cute kids items #socute
The festivities are 9am-3pm and are available at the South and West Edmonton locations.
(Go here to get exact addresses of the South and West Edmonton locations)


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Friday, 14 November 2014

Exploring Christmas decorations in Edmonton #goforadrive #exploreyeg #yeglights

We love going for drives this time of year to check out the decorations in Edmonton and with Maisie's Christmas House stopping after Christmas 2012 we were pretty excited to find something that would lead us in the direction of other beautifully decorated houses. 

The Edmonton Journal has started the Christmas Lights Map  for people to see what places are decorated around Edmonton (other than Candy Cane Lane). It's updated regularly and if there is a place that you don't see on the map - share the love and add it for others to enjoy. :) 

Feel free to share some of your favourite houses! :) 

Gift exchanges - Setting it up in one easy swoop! #easypeasy #drawnames

Are you doing a group gift exchange but want to draw names. 
Check out the Draw Names website and take advantage of their Secret Santa Generator. 
Its a FREE website where you can enter the amount of people that are participating in the exchange, create group rules so spouses or certain people can't buy for each other, post wish lists (you can utilize Amazon to post actual lists) ask the person your buying for questions anonymously.  AND it can be done through the convenience of email. 

This is an awesome website that helps you to check that one more "to do" off of your list. 

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Save up to 20% off of Groupon today & tomorrow only! #yeg #groupon #discount #local #family #datenight

Christmas shopping, a night out with friends or family, even a date night! Groupon is having a sale for the next 2 days helping you save even more!  Just put in coupon code "SALE" at the checkout and a discount of 10%-20% will be taken off. 
Check out to see whats available online and also specific to your area!

Are you in #yeg and surrounding areas? 
Check out these deals!  

Up to 45% off Hey Cupcake 
Lift tickets at Sunridge Ski Area 
The Comedy Factory 
44% off Nellos Restaurant
50% off Frozen Yogurt @ Pinkberry 
Barre Fitness Classes @ 2GFitness 
Minature Golf @ Monster Mini Golf 

Monday, 10 November 2014

Win tickets to Max and Ruby: Nutcracker Suit on Nov 19th!

Have you had a chance to check out Macaroni Kid lately?
Check out the newest contest for you chance to win a family 4 pack to see
Max and Ruby: The Nutcracker.
The tickets are for the November 19th performance @ 2pm at Festival Place in Sherwood Park. And the best part, entering couldn't be easier!
Just go here, enter some basic information and if you don't already make sure you sign up to receive emails from Macaroni Kid to see what's happening in and around your area!

The contest ends on November 14th so make sure you enter before then.
Want to purchase tickets to the show?
Check out

~Happy entering~

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Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Make your own baby bum balm - #babyshower #baby #diaper #christmasgift #diy

After trying out many bum creams I have decided that it is time to start making my own. Cost wise, ingredient wise, and because nothing really works all that great for Sophie it just makes sense to try! 

I knew that what I was making had to contain Beeswax. It is know for being a great skin healer, it makes a great barrier, and has great antibacterial and anti inflammatory qualities.

After much research I came to conclusion that I just wanted to make a basic mixture. After searching online I came across the YouTube vlogs- Debt it Dum and liked their adapted recipe for a starting base and then I made some tweaks from there. 

What do you need? 
  • Double boiler or something that will work like a double boiler. (I used a frying pan with boiling water and put a smaller pot in the frying pan) 
  • Stand up mixer or hand held mixer and mixing bowl.
  • Spatula 
  • Containers to put your finished product in (I got mine at Dollarama)
  • 1 cup unrefined Shea Butter 
  • 1/3 cup Coconut Oil 
  • 5 tbs of Unrefined Beeswax 

Where to buy & cost 

I was excited to find out that getting Beeswax here in #yeg isn't that hard to get and its quite cheap. You can order off of the Bee Maid Bee Store and you can either choose to have it shipped to you for a fee or pick up in Spruce Grove for no cost at the Alberta Honey Producers Co-Op. ($6.25 for 1 lb
**Using a grater for the Beeswax helps to break it up when you need specified amounts of it. 

I used the Coconut Oil ($25-$30)that we purchased from Costco over a year ago and purchased the unrefined Shea Butter ($25 for 1 cup) from Planet Organic. 
**Shea Butter can be purchased way cheaper from many health food stores and even online through places such as Etsy Canada I just knew that this was the fastest way to get what I need for this time - for future I will order way more ahead of time

  • Set up your stand mixer or hand mixer with a mixing bow 
  • Put water on, wait for it to boil 
  • If you are using a make shift version of the double boiler put your container into the boiling water and put in your Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, and Beeswax. 
  • Stir constantly until all of the ingredients are melted together and clear. 
  • Remove the pot that you are using from heat and let the ingredients cool for a good 5 minutes
  • Pour into the mixer or mixing bowl and mix for 15-20 minutes.
  • You will notice that the sides of the bowl will start having the mixture sticking to the side, this is there a spatula can be used.
  • When the mixture becomes cloudy and a little more thick you can pour into your containers. 
  • Have the baby bum balm sit for 24 hours so that it can set and then you are ready to use it! 

Is this recipe budget friendly? 
With the price of all the ingredients does this make sense to make instead of buying ready made? YES
While the Shea butter was purchased for a crazy expensive amount that was just due to my lack of planning, not because it can not be found cheaper. 
I have found the same kind of Shea butter for as little as $6 for twice the amount than what I purchased for this. My guesstimate is that with all the ingredients you would be making this for around $6 or even less if you shop smart. Pretty darn good for a natural balm that will work for your babies bottom! 

Do you have a tried and true recipe that you use for your little one? 
Feel free to share. 

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