Weight loss isms - clothes
(I probably won't be saying that tomorrow morning when the lactic acid has settled)
Labels: #needsmallerclothes #ilovekickboxing #spalady #exerciseisgoodforme
Just another Edmonton mommy has moved! Join me at my new website! www.justanotheredmontonmommy.com
Labels: #needsmallerclothes #ilovekickboxing #spalady #exerciseisgoodforme
Labels: #carters #familyandfriends #cheapcaerterspjs #yeg, #shpk, #stalbert
Labels: #customerappreciationdays, #Safeway, #saveonfoods, #sobeys, #yegshopping
Are are new to baby wearing? Even the idea of baby wearing?
Labels: #babywearing, #canadianbabywearingschool, #tadpoles&butterflies, #yegbaby, #yegfamily
Labels: #cheapergas, #Edmonton, #weshouldhavecheapgasinalberta
Labels: #easytoenter, #familyfun, #mompoptotsfair, #toopy&binoo, #yegfamily
Labels: #micropig, #rabbits, #snakes, #somuchfun, #yegbirthdayparty, #zoo2u
Labels: #boxsocialeventplanning, #dinosaurs, #jurrasicforrest, #kidsplaykingsway, #yegfamily, #yegkids
Do you have one meal that is your unhealthy vice? One of my favourites is lazy perogies!
Labels: #campingmeals, #cheapmeals, #comfortfood, #definitelynothealthy, #easytomake, #fillingmeals, #ukrainianfoodisyummy, #yegfamily, #yummy
Labels: #familyfun, #swimming, #toddlertime, #waterpark, #wem, #yegfamily
Labels: #contestsarefun, #lovethebumpblog, #mompoptotsfair, #toopyandbinoo
Labels: #buyingclothesforthefuture, #cheapclothes, #clearance, #toysrus, #yegfamily
Labels: #groupon, #personalizedgifts, #phonecases, #vistaprint
Labels: #oldnavy, #sale, #yegshopping
Labels: #ebates, #sears, #searsoutlet, #searssavings, #yegshopping
Labels: #beaumont, #emptiestowinn, #fortsaskatchewan, #getpaidtorecycle, #shpkrecycle, #sprucegrove, #stalbertrecycle, #stonyplain, #wsa, #yegrecycle
Labels: #electronicscrapbooking, #email, #memoriesforyourkids, #yegparent
Labels: #babyshower, #carltoncards, #Christmas, #clearance, #fathersday, #mothersday, #sale
Labels: #cheap, #clearance, #snowshovel, #walmart, #winterisstillhere
Old Navy is having another sale on Jeans!!
Labels: #ebates, #oldnavy, #paidtoshop, #sale
Labels: #bakingisfun, #easylunch, #homemadebagels, #simpleingredients, #yummy
Labels: #albertamaternityleave, #albertapreg, #birth, #Edmonton, #maternityleave, #pregnancy, #prenatal, #shpk, #strathco, #yeg, #yegpreg