Today is Carter's 4th birthday and it has been a
fantastic 4 years. It seems that around every corner I think to myself "this is definitely my favourite stage" and then he does something else and I find myself saying "this is definitely my favourite stage"again.. This little boy, who is not so little anymore is the best big brother, a lover of all things musical and crafty, witty, funny, and the cutest boy I know.
Having been a mommy for 4 years now. I figured that I would share some of the not so talked about things.
Poonami's are inevitable. (Like a tsunami but with poop) (credit to Melissa and Andrea for coining that term)
Baby poop and puke are the 2 worst culprits for stains on baby clothes. Invest in a good stain remover!!
At some point your child will repeat what you say. Case an point a couple of months ago when Carter told me that I was pissing him off. So watch what you say.
At some point your child will be obsessed with nose picking.
(And some even eating it- I am sorry :( )
They will be obsessed with body parts. More specifically genitals. Even more specifically for some- others genitals. Which brings me to the next point.
Kids have no filter, which is fun, cute, and embarrassing all at the same time. I believe in teaching my children the proper names of their body parts and others. Half the time Sophie thinks she has a penis and will also tell random people while shopping. "I have a penis"... yup never a dull moment.
Nakedness. Both my kids went through or are going through a period where they don't want to wear clothes (or diapers - uggggggg for the one not potty trained). They are just plum happy to disrobe and watch the television. My little sister was like this too. My mom had to install a latch at the top of the door because my sister would strip and then try to escape. She did once- didn't make it very far but man was she happy (Sorry Beck)
Poop. At first when potty training they may be afraid of it. Carter was terrified of his poop, one time he freaked out while going on the potty. This will pass. I promise. And really there is not a whole lot that you can do except for reassuring your little one that its okay, poop isn't scary, and waving "bye bye" when flushing the toilet may help.
No your potty trained kid does not automatically know how to wipe their own bum - they need to be taught. Sucks yes, but its either that or skid marks and you do the laundry. ;)
Being a mother is by far one of the best things that has happened in my life. Cheers to the past 4 years, to the next 60 and to my beautiful son Carter! :)
Labels: #carterturns4, #happybirthday